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Label Alexander Institute

(Alexander Institute)
Get a great workout while performing this seductive new style of dance. Watch real couples experiment with this arousing form of foreplay...

(Alexander Institute - 2)
An Erotic Workshop for Lovers Modern Tantra is a spiritual and sexual pathway for 21st century lovers. Learn the essential elements for...

Sensual Secrets to Amazing Sex Vol. 1
(Alexander Institute - 1)
An Erotic Workshop for Lovers Modern Tantra is a spiritual and sexual pathway for 21st century lovers. Learn the essential elements for...

Fitness for Lovers / Complete Version
(Alexander Institute)
Sex and fitness are related. See how to exercise the right muscles to develop flexibility and endurance for enhaced intimacy and sexual...

(Alexander Institute - 1)
Here, at last, is an explict, unihibited and comprehensive video that celebrates black love in all it's erotic beauty. Based on the book...

(Alexander Institute - 2)
Here, at last, is an explict, unihibited and comprehensive video that celebrates black love in all it's erotic beauty. Based on the book...

(Alexander Institute)
A Workout for Lovers See how to exercise the right muscles to develop flexibility and endurance for enhanced intimacy and sexual...